Evergreen Programs: How to continuously send new content out to all your enrollments

For our full guide on how to use Programs (for online courses and more), see our Programs guide here.

When you enroll new people in a program, it creates a new enrollment conversation for the enrollee, and populates that conversation with all of the content you've built into your Program. Whatever is in your program today will be populated into today's new enrollments.

But what about when you add new additional content to your program? How can you send that newly added content out to all of the past enrollees who enrolled in your content before today's content was added?

You can do that using the "Update enrollments" feature.

There are 2 ways to use it:

Send a single new piece of content out to all current enrollees

Once you've added a new piece of content to your program, click the "..." to open the settings on that piece of content, then click "Update enrollments..."

This will open a window to ask you to confirm that you want to send this new piece of content out to all of your enrollments.

When you click the button to confirm, it will post this message in all of those individual enrollment conversations for this program.

Note: This will notify those participants that a new message has arrived in their program conversation.

Send all new content out to enrollees

Let's say youu've added multiple pieces of content to your program. You can make sure that all enrollees are up to date with all the newest stuff, in one click! (well, 2 clicks...)

At the top of your program builder > open the Program Settings dropdown > "Update enrollments".

This will open a window to ask you to confirm. Click the button to initiate sending all new content items out to all new enrollments.

Note: This will notify those participants that a new message has arrived in their program conversation.


  • If a person's enrollment conversation already has a message (or thread) from your program, clicking the "Update enrollments" button will not send a duplicate of the same message or thread to those conversations.
  • When you use this feature, it will result in publishing new piece(s) of content across multiple individual conversations (your program enrollments).
  • All participants in those conversations will receive notifications that a new message has been posted to their conversation.

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